Why have an LVL Enhance lash lift?

I’ve tried lash extensions once and although I loved the look I found they started to look a bit tatty quite quickly so I decided to try another type of lash enhancement treatment that was marketed as maintenance free. I was so impressed I decided to train and offer...

Is it safe to wax when pregnant?

Definitely! I have waxed many pregnant customers throughout their pregnancies. During pregnancy hair may grow thicker than usual and waxing is always a much better option than shaving or depilatory creams. Several months into your pregnancy you won’t be able to...

Why winter is the best time to start waxing

So you’ve been waxing regularly throughout the summer so you’re always beach ready, whether it be legs, bikini or underarms. Come autumn the woolies come out and everything gets covered up so why bother waxing again until next year? You may be surprised to...

Why spray tan in winter?

No matter what your natural skin tone is, we always feel better with a tan. With autumn and then the dreaded winter fast approaching, women all over are swapping their shorts and summer wear for cosy jumpers and slippers and have left their razors to rust until the...

A beginners guide to female intimate waxing – part 3

Aftercare After your intimate bikini wax you will be red for 24 – 48 hours but shouldn’t be sore. Whilst red, avoid hot baths and showers (luke warm only), the sun, deodorant, heavily perfumed products, chlorinated swimming pools, jacuzzis, and saunas, and...