Bad waxes are avoidable if you do your research. Look online for an experienced technician with good reviews and don’t be afraid to quiz them. Ask them how long they’ve been waxing, if they use pre and post wax treatments, or what to do with regard to aftercare. If they are a true professional they will be happy to answer any of your questions.

I would always advise seeing an experienced waxer who specialises and is not a jack of all trades. The treatment room should be clean and comfortable and you should immediately be made to feel at ease, after all, waxing can be a daunting experience if you’re a first timer.

There should be a clean paper sheet on the couch and all spatulas and paper strips should be unused. Ensure your wax technician disinfects the couch straight after your treatment and never double dips as this is a sign that she may not know what she’s doing or doesn’t care enough about hygiene.