Beauty Blog
How long does a waxing treatment take?
The length of time a waxing treatment takes depends on the area of the body being treated, but on average an individual treatment takes approximately 20 – 25 minutes including consultation. After the first treatment I can usually wax a back, chest and stomach or...
How long does waxing last?
To get the most out of your wax you ideally need to leave 4 – 6 weeks between treatments depending on your regrowth rate. Usually hair growth is minimal during the first couple of weeks and then noticeably increases. For your first few waxes there will probably be...
The difference between warm and hot waxing treatments
I use two different waxes, Perron Rigot hot and strip wax but what’s the difference? Hot wax is great for stubborn, coarse hair and is applied thickly, allowed to set and then removed by hand. It shrink wraps the hair and doesn’t stick to the skin so is perfect for...
Top tips for getting the most from waxing, and aftercare advice
I am always being asked about pre and aftercare of a waxing treatment, well here goes: Gently exfoliate and moisturise a week or so before your appointment as this will help the hairs break through. The hair should be no shorter than a grain of rice. You need to let...
Introduction to waxing treatments
Waxing removes hair from the root resulting in a smooth, completely hair free area. The results are semi-permanent and last 4 - 6 weeks, much longer than shaving. When the hair starts to grow back there is no rough stubble as a new soft hair will grow through and most...
Exciting things ahead
Here at Tanfastic we're introducing some exciting things to say 'thank you' for giving us your custom. These will take the form of loyalty and referral schemes (so money off your waxing and spray tans), monthly offers and prize draws. Watch this space or like the...
Colour correction
I recently had a call from a lady donning a rather impressive two week old black eye. She was going for dinner at the Chewton Glen that evening and was so embarrassed she didn't want to go, hence the call to me. She wasn't particularly hopeful that the bruise could be...
Well done Daisy
Well the £10 spray tan offer with Daisy went down a storm and she's now charging full price with plenty of happy, repeat customers. This means that during very busy periods we can keep more customers bronzed and beautiful!